At this time, there are no job opportunities with BAFFA.
BAFFA always welcomes volunteers, singers, artists, and musicians. To participate, contact a manager HERE.
If you'd like to serve on the Board or on a Committee, please see below for volunteer opportunities or email us at: info@baffa.org
Attend monthly Board meetings on the first Monday of each month
Be actively involved in BAFFA events
Serve on Board sub-committees
Serve on the Gallery Committee
Be involved in exhibitions (mostly group and student art shows)
-Help with installations
-Greet guests at Gallery events
-Attend artist receptions
Work with others to explore and develop fundraising opportunities
Research potential grants to financially support BAFFA
Attend informational grant workshops as may be required
Help write grant applications
Greet guests at various BAFFA events
-Distribute programs
-Ask for donations
Greet the public at fairs and festivals in which BAFFA is participating
Assist at concerts, exhibitions, and other BAFFA events
-Bake or buy refreshments
-Help with set up &/or clean up